
location markerArrival: Students may be dropped off at 8:15 a.m. (preferred time), and school starts at 8:30. Parents who need an early drop off time may do so at 7:45 and wait in a holding location until the regular drop-off time. Students will not be allowed to enter the school building until 7:45 AM unless they are Day Care. Students will report directly to their classroom at 8:15 a.m. (after picking up breakfast if necessary).

Arrival Entry: Students in Grades 1 and 5 will enter the school through the Gym doors. Bus riders and all other grade levels will use the main doors. (Early arrival students will enter the Gym Doors)

Dismissal: Students will be released from class for school buses in waves rather than all going at once. This will allow students to go straight to the bus.

Car Rider Dismissal: Car riders will be dismissed starting at 3:20, and walkers will be dismissed at 3:25. All students need to be picked up by 3:30 pm to avoid day care charges. Parents must pull into our pick-up lot only from the east-bound lane of Mill Road. Staff will read your dash tag and immediately call your child(ren) to the car. Car traffic at 3:20 will be heavy so parents are discouraged from showing up early to avoid backing up traffic. You will then pull your car all the way forward into our pickup lane to await your rider(s). For your child's safety, do not call for them from your car. Let the staff direct your student so we can get them safely to you. Please follow the directions from the school staff once in the lot to allow for a quick and safe dismissal. You may be asked to pull into a waiting zone if your child needs extra time to come to dismissal. For your and your child's safety, please stay in your car, and have students load from the passenger side of the car. Patience from all is appreciated as the school staff works hard to load over 100 cars in just over 10 minutes.
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